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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Thomas McKaughan

Thomas McKaughan

Thomas McKaughan is a cryptocurrency journalist who works for the The Humanoid. He is a seasoned financial journalist with a passion for decoding market trends and translating complex economic indicators into accessible insights for readers. With a background in economics and years of experience covering global financial markets, Thomas has earned a reputation for his sharp analysis and ability to uncover the underlying narratives driving market movements. In the past his work has appeared in Vice Magazine and in the New York Times.

Is it time to abandon Mars colony plans in favour of a cloud city on Venus? – New evidence suggests the planet’s dense clouds could harbour strange life-forms

Could living organisms be “swimming” through the thick atmosphere of Venus? This extraordinary possibility is enhanced by recent findings. The discovery of phosphine gas has rekindled the concept of humanity building “cloud-cities” high above the planet’s hell-like surface. The scientific…

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