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We are all connected, but are we more lonely now?

SMART PHONES, social media and multiple digital devices are omniprecent as humanity beaver away inputting data to feed the google bot, chasing those dopamine hits.

In the street, tube, bus, pub or office, we are all head lowered, back stooped and fixated on our beloved screens.

Now, 13% of millennials and 5% of baby boomers say that they spend over 12 hours every day on their phones.

What does this mean?

Six hours plus the normal eight working hours is 14 hours out of 24 hours.

It is nowadays a common scene in a restaurant that a couple who are having a meal are both locked within the worlds of their own phones.

No conversation, no interaction, and even no chat about the food they are eating.

This is, for sure, not lonely by itself.

But psychologically, do they ever feel the presence of each other?

A bachelor’s life is more connected to internet in most cases.

Morning time social media, late night video games, and perhaps a superficial tinder date.

The emergence of お宅 (otaku) can be traced back to the early 1990s.

Otaku refers largely to “nerd” or “geek” communities who are addicted to manga or anime.

The original intended meaning that reflected the derogatory nature of the original Japanese word has largely changed towards a more humorous interpretation.

It has evolved into a comfortable way of living for many young white collar workers who work Monday to Friday and idle at home on Saturday and Sunday, where they transform into their otaku selves.

So, here is the dilemma question.

What is loneliness?

For those who spent most of their time in the online space, do they really feel happy or lonely?

One day when the wifi is cut off, they will find out the answer.

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