Britain's UFO files are set to be released

UK to release its complete UFO files – here is how to view them

THE UK is preparing to release its full record of UFO files, dating back to the early 1950s and containing notable events such as the Rendlesham Forest incident.

The Humanoid News will be keeping readers posted on the updates from “a dedicated web page” were sightings, witness accounts and further details will be made available to the public, entries stemming from the early 1950s to 2009.

A clearance process for the documents is currently being carried out and this must be completed before publication, “some time within the first quarter of 2020″.

This news comes as consumer sentiments pollster Piplsay recorded the opinions about UFO’s from people in the US and in the UK.

The Piplsay poll

According to Piplsay research, 30 percent of people in the UK polled thought that extra terrestrials were hiding amongst us and 23 percent believed that UFO’s were real.

At a glance the result of 4,161 people in the Uk polled showed that 30 percent of people in the UK think that UFO reports will lead to unwanted madness, 23 percent of people believe UFO’s are real, 30 percent think they are misidentified objects, 22 percent believe they may have witnessed a UFO sighting and a shocking 35 percent of people believe aliens exist on earth.

The pollsters also sought the sentiment on UFO’s in the USA.

They found that 61 percent of Americans wanted the US government to declassify its UFO files.

The Piplsay poll was based on the opinions about UFO’s of 30,741 Americans.

The results come after the US Navy cryptically said it that it had classified UFO files.

US Navy won’t release files

But, the Naval command disappointed eager UFO enthusiasts in the US when they stated: “The would cause exceptionally grave damage to the National Security of the United States.”

A representative from the US Navy’s Office of Naval Intelligence said: “The Original Classification Authority has determined that the release of these materials would cause exceptionally grave damage to the National Security of the United States.”

UK government will release files

But, now the UK has just made a decision to make its UFO files public, with many researchers hoping the released files will shed more light on the mysterious Rendlesham Forest incident of 1980.

At the end of the Rendlesham Forest UFO trail sits a mock version of the UFO marking the spot where the incident occurred (Credit: Brian McGleenon)

A spokesperson for the Royal Air Force (RAF) told The Telegraph that the UK’s Ministry of Defence documented reports on UFOs will become declassified later this year, being made available to the public for the first time.

Previously, a trickle of MoD files about UFOs had been made available on the UK National Archives website.

The decision to release the files came after PA Media, a British news agency, filed a freedom of information request for the UFO files to be released.

Speaking to the Daily Telegraph the MOD officials decided “it would be better to publish these records, rather than continue sending documents to the National Archives,” the RAF spokesperson said.

Methodology of the Piplsay survey

The methodology of the survey from Piplsay was powered by Market Cube and was conducted across the US and the UK in February 2020. The survey measured the opinions of 30,741 and 4,161 online responses from individuals aged 18 years and older in those respective countries.

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