Hong Kong: Beijing breaches ‘international law’ – UK takes action over China’s ‘brutal repression of human rights’

BRITISH parliamentarians have signed a joint statement attacking China’s aggressive actions in Hong Kong, urging Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to charge Beijing as having “demonstrably contravened the provisions of the Sino-British Declaration”.

After an 18 year old protester was shot during a recent demonstration in Hong Kong a cross party group of fifty MP’s and Lords have called on China to desist actions that contravene the Dino-British declaration, an international treaty agreed in 1984.

Former UK Foreign Secretary

The Rt Hon Alistair Carmichael MP, former Cabinet Minister, Liberal Democrat Chief Whip and a patron of ‘Hong Kong Watch’ said:

“It is clear that in its brutal repression of human rights in Hong Kong, not least the use of live ammunition against protesters, China is now in breach of international law.

It is not enough to simply raise this issue bilaterally, I urge the Foreign Secretary to prepare a range of economic and political measures in to ensure that all Hong Kong citizens, including those with British passports, have their freedoms and basic rights upheld, including universal suffrage.

Economic measures as sanction

Protest calling for G20 leaders to pay attention to Hong Kong. Photo: Ng Tin Hung / Civic Human Right Front

I urge restraint and condemn violence on all sides.”

The joint declaration stated: “We call on the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs to make a clear statement that in its handling of events in Hong Kong, China has demonstrably contravened the provisions of the Sino-British Declaration and as such is in breach of international law.”

Full list of signatories

For a full list of the signatories that include former Foreign Secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind QC (Conservative), please check the Fight for Freedom: Stand with Hong Kong website.

This news comes as thousands of demonstrators came on to the streets of Hong Kong in outrage at the shooting of a teenage student by police.

The protesters demonstrated in the city centre and at a courtroom where other demonstrators were facing charges on rioting.

Protests continue

Some have demanded the  Hong Kong police force to be disbanded.

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